• Adam Unikowsky is a partner in the Appellate & Supreme Court Practice Group at Jenner & Block in Washington, DC.
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  • Sean Zeigler is a senior political scientist at the nonprofit, nonpartisan RAND Corporation. In 2018, he led a RAND study for the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Policy) on cluster munitions.
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  • Phil Klay is the author of the book, “Uncertain Ground: Citizenship in an Age of Endless Invisible War.” Klay is a past winner of the National Book Award for fiction and a veteran of the war in Iraq.
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  • Meredith Hindley is is a writer, historian, and author of "Destination Casablanca: Exile, Espionage, and the Battle for North Africa in World War II." Her work has appeared in Humanities, New York Times,...
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  • Colleen Honigsberg is an associate professor of law at Stanford Law School, whose research is focused on the empirical study of corporate and securities law.
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  • Katrina Northrop is a reporter at The Wire China, based in New York. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The Atlantic, The Providence Journal, and SupChina.
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  • James Kirchick is a reporter, foreign correspondent, columnist, and author of the book "Secret City: The Hidden History of Gay Washington."
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  • Dr. Lindsey Polley is the director of defense and national security at Starburst Aerospace, where she leads strategic advisory cells that provide emergent technology solution identification for segments ...
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  • Richard Hanania is the president of the Center for the Study of Partisanship and author of “Public Choice Theory and the Illusion of Grand Strategy.”
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  • Oleksandra Matviychuk is a human rights defender who works on issues in Ukraine and the OSCE region. She heads the human rights organization Center for Civil Liberties and coordinates the work of the ini...
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  • Lewis Sage-Passant is the Global Strategic Intelligence manager at Salesforce and a Doctoral Researcher at the UK’s Loughborough University focusing on the history, structure, capabilities, and ethics of...
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  • Matt Zeller is a Senior Advisor with the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, the Co-Founder of No One Left Behind, a Truman National Security Fellow, and an adjunct fellow at the American Security ...
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  • Col. Steven Miska is the Executive Director of First Amendment Voice, a nonpartisan effort to reinvigorate civic awareness around free expression, religious liberty, press freedom and other first amendme...
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  • Shala leads Human Right’s First’s nationwide coordination of legal stakeholders responding to the evacuation of at-risk Afghan nationals by the U.S. government. She also oversees a pro bono program that ...
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  • RonNell Andersen Jones is a First Amendment scholar who teaches, researches and writes on legal issues affecting the press and on the intersection between media and the courts, with a particular emphasis...
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  • Zachary Arnold is an attorney and the analytic lead for the Emerging Technology Observatory initiative at Georgetown University’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET).
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  • Christina Knight graduated from Stanford University and the Schwarzman Scholarship with degrees in symbolic systems artificial intelligence (B.S.), philosophy (M.A.), and global affairs (M.S.).
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  • Katie Benner covers the Justice Department for The New York Times and she was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for public service for reporting on workplace sexual harassment issues.
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  • Timothy Naftali is a historian and professor of public service at New York University. He was the first federal director of the Richard Nixon library and earned accolades from historians for his efforts ...
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  • Elizabeth M.F. Grasmeder is a foreign policy analyst and author of the article "Leaning on Legionnaires: Why Modern States Recruit Foreign Soldiers."
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