Yemen Moves Toward Peace Talks, But Fighting Continues
For counterterrorism officials, one of the most difficult counterterrorism challenges is identifying the next global struggle that, like the Syrian civil war, will energize the world’s Muslims and lead t...
Mieke Eoyang joins us for the interview about Third Way’s “To Catch a Hacker” report. We agree on the importance of what I call “attribution and retribution” as a way to improve cybersecurity. But we dis...
As Lawfare readers have probably noticed, there has been a fair amount of controversy over Matthew Whitaker's designation as acting attorney general as of late. To keep track of it all, we at Lawfare hav...
Much controversy has arisen over the appointment of Matthew Whitaker as the acting attorney general.
The Supreme Court of Facebook is about to become a reality.
Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)
On Monday, Sens. Richard Blumenthal, Sheldon Whitehouse and Mazie K. Hirono filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia asking a federal judge to decide the legality of Matthe...
We appear to be entering into a new geoeconomic world order, characterized by great power rivalry between the United States and China and the clear use of economic tools to achieve strategic goals. This ...
Details of the interactions show why contacts between the president and the top officials investigating his White House were risky for all involved.
American companies are getting hacked, and the Securities and Exchange Commission wants corporate executives to do something about it. According to a White House Council of Economic Advisers report relea...
For more than a decade, the national security agencies of the federal government have repeatedly recognized climate change as a national security threat. Since 2010, the Department of Defense has publish...