We’re using FOIA to find out whether the acting attorney general has consulted with career ethics experts on his involvement with the Mueller investigation. If not, that could be a major red flag.
The unique structural and operational characteristics of cyberspace, we wrote in May 2017, must drive U.S. strategy if we are to see cyberspace become more secure and stable.
On Thursday, the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security announced an amendment to the rules governing asylum requests rendering ineligible for asylum those who attempt to enter the United States in...
Jeff Sessions resigned as attorney general on Wednesday at President Trump’s request, reports the New York Times. The president has tapped Sessions’s chief of staff Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney ge...
On Thursday, Nov. 8, a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit will hear oral argument in In re Grand Jury Investigation, a case that could decide the constitutional validity ...
Is Whitaker’s appointment constitutional? Does the president have authority in this case to make an appointment under the FVRA? Does Whitaker have any recusal obligations related to the special counsel’s...
Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski’s report to the House of Representatives hastened the impeachment of President Nixon in 1974. Now that Jaworski’s “road map” has been made public, after 44 years under ju...
The acting attorney general’s past statements about the Russia probe raise genuine concerns about his service overseeing it.
President Trump fired Attorney General Jeff Sessions today and replaced him on an interim basis with the attorney general’s own chief of staff, a man named Matt Whitaker. Whitaker has made repeated publi...
President Trump asks for Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ resignation. And Democrats retake the House, while Republicans expand their majority in the Senate.
The Department of Justice has released a 2014 Office of Legal Counsel opinion approving airstrikes against the Islamic State under the president's Article II authority as commander-in-chief. The memo is ...
On Wednesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions submitted his resignation, effective immediately, at the request of President Trump. Media reports say Matthew Whitaker, Session’s chief of staff, will take o...