We are excited to announce, in plenty of time for the holidays, our new—and dramatically improved—Lawfare swag shop.
You want shirts? We've got lots of shirts, for women and men and everyone.
Onesies? ...
On Nov. 14, the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel released a memo defending the legality of President Donald Trump’s Nov. 7 designation of Matthew Whitaker as acting attorney general. Read the...
Fighting in Hodeidah Closes in on Strategic Port
From Oct. 2 to Oct. 18, Lara Alqasem, a student accepted to a human rights program at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was detained at Ben-Gurion airport in Israel. Why? Because she was a member and presi...
On Oct.
On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that U.K. and EU officials have reached a provisional Brexit agreement. Though as of this recording, the text of that agreement has not been released, we at Lawfar...
Event Announcements (More details on the Events Calendar)
Matthew Whitaker’s appointment as Acting Attorney General is being challenged in court by the State of Maryland, which argues that the appointment was not lawful and that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rose...
The FBI on Tuesday released its 2017 Hate Crimes Report. The document is below.
Those hoping for some peace and quiet after the conclusion of the contentious 2018 midterm electi
On Tuesday, in litigation related to the Affordable Care Act in the U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland, the state of Maryland filed a motion to substitute the acting attorney general for fo...
Are you a current student who enjoys wrestling with the policy aspects of cybersecurity, especially insofar as they implicate national security and international relations? Thinking about forming a team ...